I've now encountered 2 BF Jackdaw Editions (showing v107 onscreen) with different exe's (causing already some of the cheats not working) and apparently there is also a (more) recent "Chinese" release (introducing CN lang support). As for "edition" naming conventions: it's a guideline, nothing more. Well, my general rule of thumb is: change of exe can/could mean change of code (and thus some~all cheats might no longer work).

I'm not really monitoring any topics regularly at the moment! Ps: if you respond much later in the year, then pm me. And btw: no promises if your game vs is "way back", I will probably not tackle it. So: a) provide me with that info b) upload your game's exe somewhere for me to download. That means: if your version is NOT complying, you'll need to 'explicitly' mention which version you do use then.

There is one version which is confirmed to be working with the 3DM crack, the other one with the Steam Standard Edition. 3) Activate the items you want to unlock. Anyways: as I stated, made for " v1.07 ~ Uplay". Instructions on how to use the Cheat Engine. So yeah, a slower technique, but at least I found a way.

Which you can apply on existing game setups.^^ Sorry for the late response, but too busy (at times). Changed all 20 000 value to 0, bought a lot of whale skin/meat (don't remember) for free, and then closed Cheat Engine, waited a minute for the value to change back to its initial price, and then sold everything I bought for free for about 12000 each. So we have brought this tested and working cheat engine trainer for Assassins Creed IV Black Flag. How to use this cheat table Install Cheat Engine Double-click the. Even in beginner mode you have to spend lot of time to finish missions. AC4BF Cheat Engine Table Infinite Health Unlimited Breath Freecamera Toggle Hud Pause Script Sun Position Time of day script Abstergo Challenge Cheats Open the table and read how to use them. We know these latest games are very hard and difficult to progress. Here, you will find all the information you need for a 100 Sync Guide as well as information on all of the Collectibles, Cheats. If you just bought Assassins Creed IV Black Flag game from steam / origin and you are having hard time completing Assassins Creed IV Black Flag missions then you are not alone. Welcome to the Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough. Download Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Full Cheat code Trainer with Unlimited Mods Unlocked fully tested and working. Assassins Creed IV Black Flag Trainer Free Download for Unlimited cheats.